Thursday, February 20, 2014

I Can Explain

So, if you haven't noticed yet, I haven't posted in just about a month on here. Isn't that just terrible??? I've been a terrible blogger! I mean, I guess I could say I've been busy with school work and I picked up the Harry Potter books for the first time in forever (yes, I know. I am ashamed of this fact) and those are the reasons why I haven't been blogging, but I still feel bad anyway. I love blogging!

Anyway, hopefully that'll change because I want to go back to blogging whether it kills me or not. I miss talking with all you book and twitter friends! Hopefully soon my blog will be busy with posts and memes.

Love you all,

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to stop by because I saw your blog button in another blog and I wanted to check it out! Your button is so pretty btw and also your blog <3 eeeeep! I love the simplicity of it. :))

    I understand how busy we, bloggers can get so I try to read as much as possible and post at least 5 times a week for the summer break and then back to having 3 posts a week. School sucks...*sigh


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